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033 342 7093 or

033 345 7841

About Us

  • Nomaswazi High School is a reputable private high school fully registered with the Department of Education in KwaZulu Natal. The school is based in Pietermaritzburg but offers quality education at competitive rates not only to the KwaZulu Natal community but also to learners from surrounding Provinces. The school has been in existence for 30 years and celebrated its 1st Quarter Century in 2017.

We offer the following Programmes:

  • Grade 8 – 12 CAPS SYLLABUS
  • Grade 12 Repeater’s CAPS
  • Grade 12 Repeater’s “OLD MATRIC”
  • Amended Senior Certificate
  • Fully registered with Department of Education
  • Umalusi
  • Accredited for Grades 8 – 12 NSC at 100 Church Street, PMB
  • Learners License classes available
  • Online Learning available
  • Technology/MemioTech Integration into teaching & learning


Nomaswazi High School was founded in 1993 by Mrs. V.P.N. Mkhize. This point in time was a pivotal one in South Africa as Black learners were for the first time being allowed to enrol and attend at previously white-only public schools. The Founder noticed that the black students were having difficulty in both integrating and also keeping up with the language and standard of work at their new now multiracial schools.This was mainly due to the disparity in development between previously Black schools compared to the previously White schools. At that moment a Saturday school was opened that offered extra lessons aimed at developing Language (English) and also at the same time providing extra tuition/support for all other subjects such that these students could be better capable to adapt and ultimately thrive in their now new schools. With the employ of excellent educators, learning programmes and sound management of the school swelled in numbers and went on to service the greater Pietermaritzburg, Durban and Midlands area. As time went on more subjects and grades were added, the school moved to bigger and bigger premises possessing better and better facilities, employed more and better qualified staff until ultimately Nomaswazi High School was registered as a fully-fledged High School by the Department of Education KwaZulu Natal. Since initial Registration those decades ago Nomaswazi High School has never had its Registration revoked or dropped Matric Pass-rates.

Nomaswazi Formula

We apply the principle that all stakeholders have an important role to play in the education & development of a leaner: The stakeholders being parent, learner & school are directly involved. What this means for you is that we engage & involve both parent & learners. We develop an open relationship between school, parent & learner whereby parents are always informed & aware of the learners progress & performance.

Development for beyond High School

At Nomaswazi all the efforts (Academic; Extra-curricular, Discipline etc) are geared towards best preparing learners for the world outside and beyond high school. Our aim is to produce young adults with the aptitude & attitude to go on and be positively contributing members of society. As the slogan says – We prepare learners to “succeed in all areas of life.”

Technology Integration

Nomaswazi High School stays ahead of times through the use and integration of technology in the teaching and learning experience. This enhance the educational experience of the learners. This also ensures that the Nomaswazi High School learners are best prepared for tertiary education, the works place and the world that awaits them outside of high schooling. Some of these technology offerings are:

  • Nomaswazi Online Schooling.
  • Smart Boards.
  • Memio Technology.

Nomaswazi High School

We apply the principle that all stakeholders have an important role to play in the education & development of a leaner. The stakeholders being parent, learner & school are directly involved responsible.

Numbers Speak for Themselves

Years of Experience

Why Choose Nomaswazi High School

• 500 Full-time learners from Grade 8 to 12

• 300 learners enrolled in the Matric Repeaters programme. This programme assist learners from all other schools who either failed Matric or want to improve the marks they achieved on their first Matric attempt.

• Nomaswazi High School is THE original 2nd chance matric institution in Pietermaritzburg.

• A full staff complement of over 35 staff member, which includes qualified and meticulously sourced educators, support staff and administration staff.

• School ethos and culture that the Learners, Parents, Management, Staff and Community are proud of and uphold year in year out.

• An Academic Curriculum boasting the full range of subjects. The academic programme is the main area of focus and over the years has been fine tuned to what Nomaswazi High school now offers. It is the key to the quality results and pass rates produced yearly.

• Extra-Curricular, sporting and cultural programmes that balance out the educational experience and make the educational product on offer holistic and well rounded.

• Facilities rivalling any of those possessed by other Independent Schools within our area.

• A secure and harmonious learning environment conducive to learning.

We prepare learners to “succeed in all areas of life.”